Monday, August 9, 2010

August : Whack Holidays!


August is Romance Awareness Month, so celebrate how you will - whether it be romantically, or just being aware of romance's existence.

August 12th: Sewing Machine Day

August 17th: National Thrift Shop Day [I smell a contest brewing here...].

August 18th: Cupcake Day [Columbus-ians, RedBrownBlonde enjoyed some delicious cupcakes at Patty Cake's Bakery in Clintonville during our week of wonderfulness - we give them five stars!]

August 21st: Poet's Day I've got a poet - do you?

August 24th: National Waffle Day (in case you missed International Waffle Day, here's your second chance).

Did you and your significant other have a quarrel over which fine waffle establishment to visit? No worries, August 25th is National Kiss and Make-up Day.

August 29th: Whiskey Sour Day A coincidence that such a day concludes Romance Awareness Month? I think not.