Sunday, July 18, 2010

So Happy Together.

Brown and Blonde left Columbus, Ohio early this morning and headed back south to their gracious husbands (who let them leave home for a week and then stay an extra day!). The three of us haven't been together for that long since our freshman year of college! So you can imagine the pure bliss that we enjoyed for 6 days. Red's husband is busy being a poet at a conference in TN, so we had the apartment all to ourselves. We tried new recipes, new drinks, new bakeries, stocked up on chick-flicks, played card games, had a jewelry party and of course, went shopping.

Brown + Husband leave for Hawaii in a couple of weeks (not to be seen by Blonde and Red for a least a year -- I know, I don't want to talk about it), so it was perfect timing all around. One last hurrah with an apartment all to ourselves -- Red's downstairs neighbor was even out of town all week so we didn't have to "keep it down." So hard to say goodbye, but rest assured that Red and Blonde are already planning their trip to Hawaii!

Photos and detailed accounts of the aforementioned events will be posted soon.